I think the most gratifying aspect of old airplanes is the opportunities we have to share them with others. Thanksgiving day at Deer Pasture Airfield was a special time. God blessed us with beautiful weather, a great time with extended family members enjoying food, and fun stories and spending time with each other. And after the turkey and stuffing, after the games and laughs, the kitchen was cleared, photos were taken of all the families present... then it was time to go check out things at the Hangar. My great nieces and great nephews were surprised when they realized I had already done the pre-flight inspection on the Taylorcraft. At that point... there was nothing left to do but fly!

What a glorious day it was. For the triplets, Justin, Kailyn, and Shilyn... it was their very first airplane rides. For their big brother Colton, it was his first time at the controls... to fly himself. For their Mom and Dad... it was a chance to re-live the memories of flying in the old days with Grandy (My Dad). For me... I can hardly explain the feeling I had to see the expressions on their faces and to hear their stories at the end of the day.
I flew 12 sorties of Buddy rides... over 2.5 hours. A light breeze... direct cross-wind. So fun for me just to practice airwork and landing skills. But the absolute best is sharing the blessing of flight!