Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Curtiss Robin Flyer 2nd Qtr 2010

Finally, I have managed to publish a new issue of "The Curtiss Robin Flyer" newsletter. Though intended for enthusiasts of the Curtiss Robin airplanes, there may be something here of interest to just about any airplane nut.

Please send your comments and news updates for the next issue, coming soon (I hope).

1 comment:

  1. Very professional looking newsletter,
    great aircraft,
    I was a flying crew chief on a C-47D,
    of 1943 vintage.
    Believe the Thai Air Force still has it. They brought it in to Oshkosh for a Basler turbo conversion.
    Can you imagine that flight, halfway around the world.
    I do have a book about the Milwaukee Tank engine.
    Sarge Mark


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