This Memorial Day I am focused on the American Civil War. A war between WHITE AMERICANS over justice for BLACK AMERICANS. The entire Civil War was just utterly awful. More than 700,000 American soldiers gave their lives in this war. It is estimated that over 1.5 MILLION Americans (soldiers and civilians) died in the fighting and devastation of the Civil War. I want to focus on these deaths and remember this great sacrifice on this Memorial Day.
Many want to deny the justice for which Americans fought and died on behalf of the awful mistreatment of BLACK AFRICAN-AMERICANS. The American Civil War was not the end of racism in our country. It was a terribly painful re-set of the ideal notion that America was founded on the principal that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL in they eyes of our creator God! This war accomplished great things for Black Americans. The people who fought and died paid the ultimate price to start Black Americans on a new path. Much work was left undone. Yet the plight of Black Americans has continued to improve since the Civil War.
Still, there are some who refuse to see the great cost, which was paid in this tragic and dark war. Their denial of the forward strides made in the name of justice, are taking our country back toward those dark days. My prayer is that Americans of all Races would once again unite over the Faith and Values upon which the USA was founded and built. I pray that the truth will be taught to our children and grand children.
The TRUTH is: Opportunities for ALL Americans, Black and White are greater now than ever. Teach your children about this great blessing. Reach out to your fellow Americans of every color and give them encouragement and help them achieve. Be thankful and grateful for the brave men who have given their precious lives. Take care of the families who have sacrificed their sons and daughters.
And yes, I realize that not every soldier was White. Indeed about 40,000 Black American soldiers perished in the fighting. That is about 5% of the 700, 000 mentioned. Their souls matter as does every soul who has before or since invested their emotions, their pain, their suffering, and who have been mistreated or killed over any racial or cultural battle. All souls matter.
And yes, the battle for justice still goes on. Our Civil War looks different today. The only way for ultimate justice and truth to occur is through our Lord and Savior. We all need to look UP TO HEAVEN in our search for justice and truth. Pray for healing. Pray for unity. Pray for and help our neighbors of all races. Treat each other, regardless of skin color, with respect and dignity as God truly created all equal. Where we go from here is up to us. Will we forget or will we remember.
As for me, I will remember where this country was and how our ancestors have paid with their lives to make this a better place. I believe that God has Blessed America. I believe that God has blessed Americans of all races, colors, creeds. I believe that God has shed his Grace on America. I am thankful that God placed me and my family in this Great Country, The United States of America!
Although this post has nothing to do with Aeronautics, it is an important topic and is related to events that paved the way for all Americans to enjoy the gift of flight as pilots, engineers, passengers, and enthusiasts.